As part of the Spring 2015 Boneyard Arts Festival, I participated in the ABCU: Write What You Mean and Mean What You Type a collaborative showcase of letterforms, words, and wisdom crafted by artists, designers, and anyone with a love for typography.
For the show, I decided to create a piece
showcasing one of my favorite characters,
the ampersand. After at a exploring some of the many variations of the traditional ampersand, I chose three of my favorites to linocut. The completed characters were then printed onto both regular printing paper and aged craft paper to hint at the ampersand's stylistic evolution over time. These pieces along with the many other interesting works at ABCU made for an fun and thought-provoking show. Though I was so engrossed in the show I forgot to take pictures of them on display, I do have some pictures of them taken before they left my apartment.